Avon testing machine

وبلاگ شرکت دانش بنیان صناف الکترونیک آریا


Avon testing machine

Avon or fore ( Oven )

Oven or fore dryer is used in laboratories to dry and sterilize glass and metal containers. Manufacturer factories, in order to carry out various activities, have designed different types of this device. In some of them, transfer the heat to be spontaneous and natural caches. while in some other types of this device is the transfer of heat by the use of the fan, or the property of being lightweight, warm and heavy, being cold, etc., in order to displace air within the oven is used. Typically, they work in a thermal range between room temperature up to 350 ° C. Although there are a variety of furs that also provide temperatures up to 600 degrees centigrade

Oven components

Inner chamber: this chamber is used for sterilization, which is often made of stainless steel and high temperature resistant. This chamber is also the location of the temperature sensor and thermocouple

Heating element heating: these components to provide the Heat needed Avon predictions are often in the vicinity of the outer wall of the fore and in contact with it, have been subjected to the temperature inside the fort to the extent required boost. Inside each Avon, depending on the type and model of the device, as well as depending on its electrical power, one or two elements are placed. These elements are often springy and are inserted into a refractory ceramic cover to prevent the transfer of electric current to the fore chamber and its connection

Thermal insulation: this Cover in order to avoid wasting energy heating and cooling, fast internal storage, and also prevent overheating too compartments, exterior, and electrical circuits and also the environment outside the embedded, often of wool, glass is

آون آزمایشگاهی

System control and display the temperature inside the compartment: depending on the type of oven used, the two systems can be completely separate or an integrated system powering it. The indoor temperature display system can be a scorpion thermometer, a mercury thermometer or an electric board with a thermal sensor and a digital display. System temperature control is also depending on the type of device can be used to maintain a metal, mercury, or systems, microprocessor consists of precision sensors, if any; in this case, the system displays and temperature control, can also integrate the

Protection systems: depending on the device, electrical and thermal protection systems are predicted to protect users and the device and its contents. Fuses for electric cutout in cases of emergency, systems, and cutout at the time of going up over-temperature (during Operation withheld System, Temperature Control), and … including this system is

Avon applications

Sterilization and drying of cleaned metal devices with the help of heat and at 180 ° C for 2 hours takes place. With the gradual increase in oven temperature, the humidity in glass fixtures evaporates and thus will cause the loss of any biological activity

Vacuum oven

Vacuum oven (fore vacuum) or vacuum dryer is the chamber in which the drying action takes place in the vacuum. Often in the pharmaceutical industry it is called vacuum Avon ( vacuum Oven). Vacuum dryers or ovens are made of cast iron, aluminum, stainless steel and sawed in a mold and a piece so that they can withstand the high pressure of the vacuum without any deformation in the body. Vacuum avons often have two floors to increase the level of thermal conductivity. Vacuum Avon is used for this purpose in the absence of air or other gases both heat dissipation is reduced and pollution sources are destroyed

Vacuum avons use a vacuum pump to suction the air and create a vacuum inside the chamber, which is placed next to or under the machine. At the time of purchase Avon vacuum must note that the manufacturer usually, the price of the compartment without pump to declare you are so must at the time of purchase be sure to ask the seller that the price of the compartment along with the vacuum pump to tell you
The other thing about vacuum avons that you should pay attention to when buying is their automatic or manual operation. As we mentioned earlier, Avon vacuum environment to create a vacuum in need of a vacuum pump are, in models with the function manually adjust the pressure within the compartment and control of the vacuum pump by the user to manually takes place, in this model when the user intend to open in the compartment must use a milk special compartment of the vacuum state in, bring in the compartment can be opened. In the model, the automatic that has a touch interface ( Touchable HMI ) is the user should only be the amount of pressure within the chamber to determine the track, and then adjust the pressure inside the chamber and also control the vacuum pump automatically takes place, also in this model, each time that the user intend to open the compartment door will have the automatic system, the pressure within the compartment adjusts to door compartment, easily open

Convective Avon ( convection stove )

Convection or Convection is one of the methods of heat transfer. Convection occurs not only within a fluid, but between two objects, one of which is fluid. The conduction process between a solid surface and a moving fluid is called convection. Fluid motion can be normal or by external force

A convection oven has a fan with a heating element that provides heat. A small fan spreads the air in the convection Avon. A Avon convective may include sources of radiant heat on the top and bottom of the oven is that the heat transfer increases and on the other hand, in some models of the Avon convective all the elements of the heat out of the compartments are placed. This reduces the effect of radiant heat on the material. However, the walls of Avon E by the air circulation of the warm, heated, and although the average derived from it is much lower than the source of the heat is radiant, but still hot enough is part of energy through radiation from the walls to be transferred


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